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Building community. Breaking barriers. Empowering women.

We coach re-entering women in achieving and maintaining a safe and productive lifestyle, empowering them to contribute to their communities and flourish as they continue to become their true SELF! 

SELF! House

The SELF! house provides transitional housing to reentering women that is all too often not available to them in the Lehigh Valley. Additionally, in-house workshops, programming, job readiness training, and one-on-one assistance in finding employment and housing is provided, helping ensure they will be able to find and maintain future housing and reduce chances of recidivism.


We'll be by your side every step of the way! Our life coaches meet with each client monthly, and are also available as needed. Coaches maintain low caseloads, and our supervision and services are available on weekdays, evenings and weekends to meet the needs of our clients.

Parole Compliance

Many clients reentering society have stipulations from the parole board and navigating the process and procedures can be difficult. SELF! provides the resources needed for our clients to be able to comply with the terms of their parole, helping them successfully meet all their legal obligations and reduce recidivism.

Individualized Case Management

All SELF! program participants are assigned a life coach who works with each participant to identify their individual priorities and requirements. The result is a comprehensive, personalized plan detailing what needs to be done, who needs to be involved, and the necessary time needed for completion. Special attention is paid to issues related to family, education, employment, counseling, housing, and other social networks.

Crisis Intervention

Women have very unique struggles that must be addressed many times without notice. SELF! Along with a collective of local non-profits provides immediate intervention to women in crisis. This crisis can be anything from a fire, eviction, or fleeing a domestic abusive relationship. Being able to provide immediate shelter, clothing, and food allows these women to be safe and plan their next course of action.

Certified Peer Support Specialists

SELF! Certified Peer Support Specialists are the backbone of our program. Our specialists provide one-on-one support that only someone who has experienced similar struggles can give. This means our clients get the compassion, understanding and assistance they most need.

WRAP Facilitator

SELF! is uniquely qualified to facilitate gender/culture specific Wellness Recovery Action Plans. WRAP occurs in a peer-led groups, in which everyone works together to form their own plans for wellness and recovery from mental health symptoms. It's designed to focus on the individual and help you determine--and work toward--your own personalized goals.

*SELF! is NOT a shelter, we provide housing for women during their reentry process*

"I appreciate all you guys have done and putting a smile on my kids faces. Thank you so much, I really appreciate you."

~ Yessica

"You're the best! Thank u so much. I truly appreciate you coming into my life"

~ Caitlin


SELF! connects women with the community resources needed to make their re-entry as successful as possible. These include:

Mental Health Counseling

Employment Counseling

Family Therapeutic Services

Clothing Assistance

Financial Budgeting

Food Banks

Housing Resources

Education Enrollment/Planning

Technology/computer Training

Children support services

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